5 days in the hospital for dengue fever, and I sure was glad to be home.
Spencer was excited to see me, her pupils were dilated and she sniffed around the bags and flowers. Later she complained a bit, hiding under the pc stool and bit me. She wanted food but I didn't give her. Before I left I did explain to her, so she could explain to the other cats. I heard they had been well behaved.
After unpacking, Mera suddenly appeared out of nowhere on my quilt. He was surprised to see me. In the photo, he looked like he was smiling. He slept until 3pm as he saw that I wanted to nap too. He ate a bit of biscuits mixed with treats and left.
Hat and BH2 appeared together while I was checking the mail box. BH2 was crying for food even though he was fed this morning. I was chatting with the kindly neighbour. She said on Friday night when I was admitted, Hat and Auntycat were crying downstairs waiting for food. She fed them some biscuits. Hat followed me upstairs, I gave him biscuits mixed with treats. He didn't want to go down again and eventually fell asleep in the basket. His fur looked a bit dull and matted. Apparently last week he had another sightings episode again.
Andy Beal is Back with Andy Beal RAW
Andy Beal, one of the most respected and downright coolest hounddogs in the search engine world, has come out from hiding and is now blogging again.
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