It is a bit chilly, Hat sang outside at 5am, so I let him in but didn't feed him. I think he found some biscuits to munch and left.
Spencer is a bit crabby this morning. I put her on the corridor to show Kiki. Last night she was very anti-social, and hid under the bed. She did come when I went to bed, and demanded the extra pillow to lean on.
Mera dropped by, surprisingly. I gave him biscuits and some treats. Then the neighbours walked up, the cats got a shock and scattered everywhere. Hat was on the way up and ran away too. Things settled down and Mera finished his breakfast. Then Hat was on his way back up, and Mera glared at him at the staircase.
Hat finally knows how to squeeze in through the loose panel of the nettings. I only showed him twice. Last night he napped after dinner, as it had rained.
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