Last night Spencer slept in her basket until late. Hat had left at 9pm. I fed Spencer her medicines, so she came out for a walk. I wanted to go to bed, so I locked the door and asked her to jump in through the window herself when she was ready. Once I locked up, she wanted to come in. And she was poking at the netting. She hasn't been going through the grilles for years, so I was surprised she wanted to try this time. I went out and pushed her through. The front part went through easy enough, but her tummy got in the way. She almost took the gate off its hinges.
At least it was a start!!
She was embarrassed so she went to the other room, but she came back to my room some time in the morning.
She wanted brekkie at 7am, siting on my bedside table and screamed in my face. Sigh.

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