Spencer doing stunts on the corridor. I know it was no big deal for most cats, Hat does it everyday. But Spencer is twice his size and weight, so we were worried that she would topple off. She actually enjoyed the game very much, even leaning forward to look at the passerbys below, giving us heart attacks as a result. This is part of the grand scheme of making Spencer lose weight.
It rained 9pm last night. I heard Hat singing outside, but I didn't wake up. He never came up for dinner. He was with BH2 and I didn't want to feed BH2, so I didn't go down to bring Hat up.
This morning when I woke up, most of the biscuits are gone. Hat was already sitting on the ironing board waiting for breakfast. He was a bit miffed, maybe because I didn't let him in last night.
Spencer found a new pillow to sleep on. I hope she will be OK with the new bed later in the afternoon. The mattress will be the same, but the sides are not covered, so she may not feel so secured. I will try to use the magazines to make false walls for her to hide in.
Auntycat was sleeping in the bush. She heard me and came out for breakfast.

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