Spencer's waist size.....22 inch....aiyoh.
Spencer had been a pain today. I had a busy schedule this weekend, but she kept whining and complaining, walking up and down the hall. I think she was bored. Hat was trying to sleep after breakfast with Spencer screaming her head off, eventually he fell asleep on the sofa.
Mera appeared at 2pm, looking groggy. He had some biscuits, and was in two minds about punching Hat, who was on the shoe cabinet. He left eventually.
Then the sky darkened, and before we know it, terrible thunders and lightnings started. Hat was startled from his box, and Spencer yelped in fright. Spencer rushed under the bed, and I pushed Hat into the store room. I was going to look for Mera, but he was already running to our house. He dashed under the bed too. The cats finally settled down and slept through the storm.
The toms left when the rain stopped. Spencer is still sleeping on the shelf.
Today I managed to write all the Xmas cards and wrap the Xmas presents. Then I transferred the contents of the old drawers into the new ones, and tidy the remaining stuffs. By 5pm, I was knackered. I still have to repack the old magazines and put up an extra shelf tomorrow. Ugh.

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