Tuesday, January 03, 2006

This strange cat visited our place this morning. Spencer was sunning herself outside, and she ran in suddenly. I poked my head out, and saw this cat staring at me. It just sniffed around, very bold, and meowed at me softly. I thought it was a tomcat. Only when it turned around, I saw the hanging belly. Maybe it was a pregnant queen. I felt bad, so I left some biscuits outside, if she comes back again. I thought I saw her tipped ear, but I couldn't be sure.

Should be one of Spencer's long lost relatives....

Hat was still reluctant to stay. He had his dinner on the kitchen counter, rested, washed himself, and left.

Smokey and Missy were OK. Smokey came out from behind the TV. I was cleaning the litter bin, and found Missy hiding under the toilet bowl. She must have been poo poo when I came in, so she hid herself. Smokey is terribly fat, Missy shy. He was very protective towards Missy, and he bit me. I left them their food and changed the water. They should be OK as they have each other for company. Posted by Picasa


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