Spencer went to sleep in her basket last night. I brought her to my bed, and she started her pre-snooze grooming. After that I was on the phone for a while, and she kept glaring at me, as if to tell me to switch off the light, NOW! Then Hat started to sing outside, so I let him in. Spencer changed her mind about the snooze, and came out to terrorize Hat. Hat kept shifting his sleep locations.
Finally by 10.30pm, Spencer fell asleep on the sofa, Hat on the shoe cabinet. Peace.
That silly Hat sang outside at 7am, I opened the door, then crashed back to bed. When I woke up again at 8am, he was gone.

Hat is a nice looking cat eh! Very handsome hor!
Yes he is, but he is not popular at all among other cats and humans. Great mystery to me.
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