Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Hat must be very hungry tonight. I was carrying him when my neighbour upstairs wanted to ask me something. I put Hat down, and he walked towards the house. The neighbour told me her son picked up an one month old kitten ( faint...) and the kitten has diarrhoea after she changed the cat food brand. She asked my advice, on what to do, and whether she can give milk or rice to the kitten. As we were talking, Hat walked back, as if to see what was taking me so long. The boy played with him, and Hat walked back downstairs. When the conversation finished, Hat ran up again, ran in front of me to the house, and kept rubbing me ehile I unlocked the door. He had one can, mock wrestled under the sofa cover, napped a bit and left. His right eye is still not so good.

This neighbour used to have a tomcat called Hitam, same coloring as Spencer. The thing is she never neutered Hitam, and Hitam started to roam and created troubles. Ended up I was the one feeding Hitam on a regular basis at the garden. Eventually Hitam went walk about and we didn't see him anymore. Now this lady tells me the new kitten is a ginger tom....sigh. I think I will need headache tablets for me, Mera and Hat!! Posted by Picasa


At 1:31 am, Blogger Unknown said...

My mother used to take in stray cats in India all the time. She said that if they had diarrhea, she gave them yoghurt with rice instead of milk. Milk worsened the diarrhea, youghurt did not.

At 9:41 am, Blogger cat_aunty said...

Thank you Gigolo Kitty, I will pass that along. I doubt my neighbour is the type who will bring the cat to the vet!


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