Spencer woke me at 7.20am, by biting on my elbow with full force. After that I slept until 10am. The calico appeared again when I was feeding BH2. She was so hungry, she ate BH2's portion. I thought they would at least share, because it was a big pile. But once I left the spot, BH2 followed me, and asked for more food. What a wuss!
Hat came up to nap before I left for work. Spencer was asleep on the shoe cabinet.
The bus was late for 25 minutes, and I reached home only after 11pm!! Max was already there, strutting up and down, looking for Hat. I fed him biscuits. Sister J had trimmed his cheek, so his face looks smaller. Now he looks more like a bear vs the previous lion appearance. And his ears look bigger. Spencer was predictably upset.
Sister J told Max to be a good boy and don't get into fights. He heard the speech, but I doubt he will follow the advice. I had to lock him in the store room so that Hat could be fed.
He is now outside on the corridor, Spencer is asleep on the kitchen table.

Wah Spens. You look so fierce and aggravated :)) Relak! Relak!
How old is Spencer?
Wah my first comment disppeared so your piercing eyes can do the job even across the web. Not bad eh Spens :)) But relak a bit. You don't want to get a headache from staring so hard. :)
How old are you ah?
Spencer is 6 years old. Sister J picked her up on Halloween Night 1999. She was probably about 2 months old at that time. A wee thing, could fit in the palm of my hand. Now....*head shaking*
A black cat on holloween night :)) yalah those were the days. I told Bujang just yesterday when I measured out the Soild Gold, that when I first got him he could fit into the little box on the weighing scale. Now he can break it..hahaha
I bet Bujang gave you a look when you said that right? When I went down the memory lane, about how tiny and weak and LIGHT she was, Spencer would glare at me and ask me to shut up.
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