Friday, July 07, 2006


Max is having diarrhoea on and off for two weeks now.Sometimes his stools are normal, sometimes he has major diarrhoea. He is well otherwise.

Sister J is feeling guilty, as she suddenly realised that she hasn't been spending much time with Max, on account of World Cup. Posted by Picasa


At 11:39 am, Blogger Vegie said...

Is Max wagging its tail lying down ? Wow is time he has a hair cut leh

At 8:34 pm, Blogger JJ said...

Does that cause max to have stomach upset?

At 1:46 am, Blogger Zeus said...

He might be eating strange bugs either outside or inside which could be causing him to wretch. Also, look at the type of cleaners you're using to see if maybe they're not pet friendly. If he is laying on the floor, then going to clean himself, he is getting sick through contact with the cleaner perhaps.

Just some thoughts...

At 11:53 am, Blogger san said...

waoh max. Nice coat. Maybe its food.

It must be pretty exhausting for the little guy to be sick so much. A truly sensitive stomach or what ah? The vet didnt find anything wrong right?

At 5:49 pm, Blogger cat_aunty said...

Max will have his shave next week, as it is to warm for his comfort.

We are not sure what is causing the diarrhoea.Maybe stress-induced, or something he had ingested. He is happy and alert.

At 1:42 am, Blogger Victor Tabbycat said...

Maybe too much variety of food. A change could cause it or going between good kind and upset tummy kind and back to good kind.


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