I just reached home from a night training. And I was too gloomy yesterday to do any photography.
I promise to post latest photos of Max ASAP. Be warned though, he has been shaved again. So it is the Gollum look this week.
It was terrible hot last night, and I switched the aircon on. But Max didn't like it, and Spencer hid under Shir's bed. Max chased Hat and they fought on the staircase, then Max went downstairs. Luckily he didn't go far. He was quite scared when I found him.
I was upset so I couldn't sleep either. I put Spencer on my bed, she screamed her head off. I put Max on my bed, he jumped away. Finally at 12.30am, Spencer jumped up by herself, and Max slept on the carpet in the hall.
He came up sometime in the morning, as I kicked him in my sleep, and he went " ooof".

Spenc: it was so bloody hot and sunny and you are glooomy?
Hmmph, humans.
Oh dear, hope the laundry man does not show up this week - MAx's look will scare the shit out of him !
night training? You sound like you're in the army :))
Actually i sometimes accidentally kick Toro. Poor kitty. But I try to sleep very still. Not always successful lah.
Dear Vegie, we don't have any laundry this week, thank God! I don't think max enjoys being called Garfield either.
Dear San, not THAT kind of night training lah....Only Spencer learns the trick of sleeping BESIDE me, so she doesn't get kicked. And she wakes me up with the sound of her sandpaper tongue going over her thigh.....sigh.
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