This plot of grass was strewn with yellow flowers from the tree above. Actually this tree is flowering much much later than the other trees just up the road. The flowers would crunch under my feet every morning when I feed the cats. I have to watch out though, because the calico does her toilette on the grass......
I met kindly neighbour's husband this morning, and he asked me about the kittens, as he had seen them too. He was surprised that BH2 allowed himself to be caught and neutered. He saw the calico running towards me, and he asked if the kittens get to eat too.
When I reached home at night at 8.30pm, I saw the calico supervising the kittens under the tree. The kittens were wrestling, climbling, running about. Then the calico called them in, but one kitten was naughty, and continued to scratch at the tree bark. The calico kept calling, and it finally scampered away. A car drove by, and the headlight shone on them. I saw the car stopped, and the people inside were looking at the cats. I felt a bit upset, for fear of the kittens' safety, and their kittenhood, which will end soon. They really should find their own forever homes, and the only way is to be seen by the humans. I felt sad for the calico, who will lose her kittens soon.
So I brought them a big packet of dinner.

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