Tuesday, April 03, 2007

This calico was almost knocked down by a passing car today. I know how they get excited when they see me, so I always wait until there is no cars then I cross the road with them.

The calico had crossed the road today, and seeing that I was still at the other side, she walked over slowly, and the car missed her by a whisker. I am sure the driver was giving me dirty looks.

I really hope the kitties will be more careful. What if I am not around and they are hit by cars?
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At 11:09 am, Blogger EJ said...

Glad to know that Calico is okay.
Share your same concern, Cat Aunty.
Wish drivers could slow down for animals. Also traffic sign like 'Slow down for cats' could be displayed etc. Like those in some countries 'Slow down for moose' etc.

At 9:53 pm, Blogger cat_aunty said...

Dear EJ, welcome.

This time the driver was driving slowly, it was Calico's fault.

But I do wish I can put up a sign at the junction, even though it is against the law.

At 1:33 pm, Blogger EJ said...

Thanks, Cat-Auntie.

Hope the Calico and kitties will be more careful around the road's area. One of your posted picture shows Calico sitting in the middle of the road! as you said as if it belongs to her grandpa.


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