Monday, July 02, 2007

Pretty much how I felt today. Brain dead, green at the gills, vacant.

The cats are well. All of them crowded around, even though the uncle said they had eaten. Hmph. Muzzlepuff appeared, with a big gash on his forehead. Bh2 slept in, and the uncle was looking for him.

I left biscuits for Mera. He was in the garden when I left for work, and again when I came back. He didn't want to go home. I think it is cooler outside. Even Hat is sleeping already, at the playground.
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At 10:25 pm, Blogger verywanderful said...

Ya must be Monday blues. At end of the day I was suppose to pay taxi driver 13 bucks, I gave him a 5 dollar notes and several 2 dollars notes, and I couldn't compute to 13 dollars, I have to surrender all the 2 dollars to taxi driver and ask him to count them himself. Stoned!

btw, your green alien looks kida of cute

At 1:36 pm, Blogger EJ. said...

green alien is some kind of frog like kermit.


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