Sunday, July 22, 2007

Tired tired tired.

Had been packing stocks for the last one week for new store A.

Thursday. Heavy rain. Set up new store A. From 10am to 9pm.

Friday. Worked in store A. From 10am to 8pm. Went to clean up old store B for the relocation until 12mn. Threw out tonnes and tonnes of junks which had not been revealed for the last 7 years.......price books from 2001. Ordering books which had been fully used but were just left there to rot. Old diskettes. Stale teabags. Out of date references. 30 to 40 EMPTY boxes. Dust bunnies. One chopping board. Four teddy bears. Printed ads from centuries ago.....Considering the persons-in-charge had all been ladies, it is really a damn shame. I think it should be a pre-requisite to ask potential employees if they can accept clutters. My reward: 14 teddy bears which had been written off......

Saturday. Rain again. Woke up at 9am. Felt like a zombie. House looked like a pig sty. In charge from store B called me at 3pm to inform me the new store C is ready for moving. Reached store B at 6.30pm, finished packing the goods, and started to re locate to store C. Then I realised the previous in charge was a HOARDER. The stock level she kept is enough to last for 3 years....*Note to self: another question for potential employees....* Finished at 3.30am. Hot, sweaty, dirty, dusty and itchy. My reward: nasi lemak bought by boss from a Malay stall in the middle of nowhere.

I know of staffs who had started to work around the clock like this for one week. Some didn't go home for three days, they just slept in the store rooms. I don't think it is the right way for this company to treat the employees.

Lessons I had learnt after these 3 days: majority of humans are evil and selfish, they spend too much time plotting and back stabbing out of jealousy.
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At 10:00 am, Blogger san said...

I thought there was such a thing as inventory check at the end of the year where people keep check of the stock and then would throw out old and useless things! I have always thought commercial organisations are so much more efficient than govt ones but it looks we are all the same. :)

Note to myself: Everyone it seems has potential to be a hoarder. :)

At 10:28 am, Blogger cat_aunty said...

Yes there is a spring clean thingy. But whether you do it or not, no one checks, because it is not really related to is up to the in charge and staffs to really make an effort.

I think it is because they don't treat the store as their homes?

I don't know, maybe their homes are the same too.

At 12:29 pm, Blogger EJ. said...

A store or a museum?
One chopping board, interesting.


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