Dad came back from China last night, and ma said he brought lots of 猕猴桃 and 水蜜桃. Then she said 猕猴桃 is also known as 奇异果, and it originates fromChina. I was sceptical, because I thought kiwi fruit originates from New Zealand. And Sister J agreed with me. After all, the old comics didn't show the Monkey King eating a kiwi fruit now, did he??
Anyway, after some research tonight, this is the result.........

This is 水蜜桃.
Sheesh. They are going to tell me next time that durians originate from China too........
Yes, kiwi fruit came from China, where it was known as the rather uncool name of Chinese gooseberry.
And 水密桃 if properly ripen before harvesting tastes fantastic. Its bottled juice drink is common in China too.
A programme about fruits I watched in Foodnetwork also says that Kiwi originated from China.
The peaches grown here in Okanagan Valley (northern BC) smells and taste fantastic too!
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