Mera appeared just before 9am to eat biscuits outside. So I let him in to give him fresh ones mixed with treats. Then I was applying ointment on Spencer and Mera thought he was next, so he wanted to leave immediately. Their noses are very sensitive. I told him he didn't need the medicines, and pushed him towards the room. He vanished under the bed later. Maybe it is going to rain later, or he knew the council pipe works would start soom. Luckily the grass cutting was over, if not his nerves would have been shot to pieces.
It is indeed going to rain, and stormy too. Clever Mera.
Hat had eaten and wanted to leave. When I put him in his basket, the basket smell of Spencer's vomit. He couldn't sleep on top of shoe cabinet because Spencer was there already. Only after I changed the beddings and location of the basket did Hat walked in willingly and washed himself.
BH2 was at the power station. His nose had dried up and looked like an inverted V. He didn't like the breakfast but ate up anyway. Later I brought him another can, he was very excited. Auntycat had also eaten the biscuits and left.
At least now all cats had eaten and had found a warm spot to sleep through the rain.
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