Spencer was batting the papers at the litter bin again at some ungodly hour. After I cleaned up, she followed me into the room and sat on my bed. I think she wanted something. After a while she left and settled down in front of the door.
At 7am she woke me up. This time she wanted to poo. Then it started to rain heavily, but no signs of Mera or Hat.
They were waiting downstairs. I took Mera up first in order of precedence, he went to the room to inspect potential sleeping spots. After breakfast, he was eyeing the piles of fresh towels. I went : " HMPH" and he went under the bed. I left his catnip pillow out.
Hat was waiting at the back of the block, behind the pillar. He was aware of Mera's presence, so he didn't dare to make a noise. After breakfast, he slept in a ray of sunshine while Spencer looed on from the shoe cabinet. He was surprised to see I left for work early.
BH2 was also snoozing at the power station. He is in better spirits lately, jumping and running out to greet me.
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