The cat food delivery was here and the 4 big cartons blocked the door. Kiki wanted to give me a paw but I managed to push the cartons into the house. Then I saw Spencer had vomitted in the middle of the hall, one spot, 4 puddles. Sigh. While I was cleaning up, Mera turned up and also sniffed the cartons with interest. He was quiet wet, maybe from walking through the bushes. He was hungry, but didn't stay after food. Both litter bins had been used.
BH2 was hiding behind the barrier left behind this morning. Hat appeared with Mayo later, maybe they were together while waiting for me. Now only Mayo sat outside his house. Kiki seemed to have no problem with Hat anymore.
I don't know if it was really Spencer who threw up, there is always other cats in the house. It is possible that there are other culprits. When we were at home, Spencer seemed perfectly OK. Maybe she really is doing the vomitting it out of stress or anger, despite of what the vet said. Maybe I really should ask for cat pheromones next time. It is available in UK under Feliway.
This morning I shifted Spencer's basket to under the PC table, hopefully to make her feel more secure.
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