Clever Mera turned up at 8.45am and shouted happily when I brought out the biscuits. He rested on the wardrobe for a while and is now at the garden. Kiki was sleeping on the shelf so I guess Mera didn't want to be in the same room with him. Kiki was here earlier, and seemed very tired. His paws were warm, so maybe he had done his morning exercises. Spencer was sitting with him at the door. She slept well last night after attacking the fishing pole under the quilt several times, and actually puffed up with all the excitement.
Auntycat was hiding in the bush, and looked like a brush when Mera appeared.
BH2 was waiting outside the gate. Last night Old Tom appeared again and I didn't prepare his food. He was 10 feet away and BH2 was less than 2 feet away. When I put down the food packet, it was Old Tom who grabbed it first. With cataract and limp, he moved terribly fast. BH2 was very upset and complained bitterly so of course I had to get another packet for him.
Hat was sleeping on the park bench. Mera deliberately rested next to it just now, making Hat very terrified. He is eating breakfast now.
Still chilly, so maybe the cats will sleep soon.

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