Hat was sleeping on a park bench this morning, a bird feather suspiciously clung to his left ear. He was fast asleep and only popped up after I shook the key rings a few times. He was very hungry. No sign of Mera and Auntycat. BH2 was also sound asleep. No sign of that yellow stray cat.
The painters were doing the finishing touches on the outer wall. Spencer was staring at him from the kitchen and he didn't see her until much later. He thought Hat was the only cat in the house. Normally Spencer would hide when strangers approach, but this time she watched his every move until he finished the job and moved on. The guy kept asking if Spencer would bite, or if cats would bite generally. Another stupid question from a pig headed human! Bravo, Spencer!
Veru humid, may rain soon. The blackbirds were back and Spencer stalked them again. They crapped on the corridor.

it was spencer but she wasn't asleep. She was getting up to go somewhere
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