Hat woke up at 3pm, ate, and played rope for a while. Then he went back to sleep until 6pm. The Malay kids were playing on the corridor, so he was a bit scared to go down.
No sign of Mera. Spencer couldn't sleep at all for the whole afternoon.
I fed BH2 and Auntycat early, at 6pm. BH2 was walking out from under a car, and was happy to see me.
When we came back from Japanese dinner at 8pm, Hat was sitting at the carpark, and Spencer managed to get a small nap, so she looked better. Mera was on the wardrobe. I don't know for how long he has been there, but I suspect he may be ill again. Only when he is ill then he would keep appearing at our place. He woke up, ate some biscuits and left. Hat was sleeping under the neighbour's bicycle, and snarled at Mera when he walked past. Hat is now on the corridor, waiting for something.

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