It started to rain at 4pm yesterday. Luckily Kiki had already gone home. Hat and Spencer were already fast asleep. Mera turned up, slightly wet, and ate some biscuits. He didn't want to stay despite I telling him that it was raining heavily. Then the rain became heavier and there was thunder, he ran back to the house and hid under the bed. When the rain eased off slightly, he appeared again, ate his dinner and wanting to leave. Eventually I escorted him to the 5th floor, which was where he wanted to go all along. Maybe he didn't like the rain, or there were more people walking about at the time.
Hat fell asleep on the sofa but left at 7pm.
It was still drizzling in the evening, Hat came again and found a warm, safe spot in my room.
Mera came at 12 midnight, singing a long song. I gave him some biscuits. Hat was still sleeping, Spencer was vomitting, but came out later. It had stopped raining. Mera jumped out through the window.
Mera came again at 7am, singing again. It was raining. I gave him food, and put him to the wardrobe. He investigated the empty shelves which I had cleared for the painting tomorrow, sang again, and finally settled to sleep.
Kiki came at 8.30am, singing. Mera is still in bed. Still drizzling.
Mera getting over-exposed. Publicity dept, got to control a little bit :)
well, there is only 6 cats in the model pool to go around. 1 is a supermodel, 2 are camera-shy, so one cat will get more exposure vs the others
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