Reached home very late. Auntycat wasn't sure it was me, until I took out the keys. Then BH2 jumped down from a discarded sofa, and Hat appeared from a corner. Hat was rushing about and refused to go home, so I let him be. Kiki was looking at us from the window. I waved at him, he twitched his tail. I fed BH2 and Auntycat, because they seemed hungry.
Spencer was staring at a moth hitting the light.
Dodo was barking EVERY two seconds, great.
I saw Mera downstairs sniffing the discarded sofa, and wanted to bring him up, but he disappeared. Hat was playing with BH2, and followed me up eventually. I have not decided whether to feed him or not.
Spencer is going back to the vet again on Saturday, she is still bleeding. At least the vet can confirm and then we can decide what to do next.

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