This morning, Spencer was staring outside, then she suddenly stiffened. I thought Mera had dropped by, so I looked out. BH2 stared back at me. I yelped. Spencer started to puff up and wanted to attack BH2. BH2 looked a bit uneasy, lie down, and showed Spencer his tummy. Useless tomcat! Then the cleaner turned up, so BH2 ran away. I did feed him breakfast, maybe he wanted to pinch the biscuits again. Later I saw him sitting among the bushes next to the gazebo, and Mera was glaring at him.
When I reached home, Hat was washing his face sleepily at the park bench. I called him, the old men laughed at me. Hat seemed very hungry, and followed me willingly. He is sleeping now after dinner.
Kiki was sitting on the window. We waved at him, he showed us a huge yawn.

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