I over heard someone saying that Auntycat was "cute". That was rather amazing, as she was anything but. However, she more than makes it up with her loyalty and intelligence.
A WET WET WET weekend. It had been raining for the past 48 hours, many places are flooded. I left the house early, and saw Hat peeing in the rain. He didn't dare to stay in the house, because of Max.
I dropped by Smokey's on my way back. He was OK, in a rather good mood. The carpets were in a mess again. It took me a while to locate Missy. She was stuck in the cabinet, the same one they liked to open and pull out the contents from. I released her, and she hid in the kitchen, meowing at me in a threatening way. I got them some more canned food, and a new scoop for the litter bin. Come to think of it, maybe Smokey was the one who stuffed Missy in.
I took Hat home and locked him in the store room. I know he would be miserable if he stays outdoors, in this kind of weather. At least the store room is dark, dry and warm, and Max-free.
I used the new comb on Max. It was good, but I got so much fur out that I could make another cat with it. I wonder if it is normal. Won't I end up with a bald cat?

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