Didn't update blog because had to get up early on Friday, and having this back pain which is worse when I sit down.
It rained in the morning. Auntycat and BH2 ate. I locked Max outside and let Hat eat in the kitchen, then I put him in my room before letting Max in. Hat fell asleep promptly. Poor Hat.
I went out early to avoid the emergency exercise which will affect buses and trains. I reached home by 12pm and cleaned the house. Max was looking dirty due to the eye discharges and the eye ointment form last night. I bathed him, then it started to rain again. I am sure he feels better after the bath. Now we are trying to blow dry him, to get the knots out. He seems a bit glum. Maybe he is sick of being moved from one house to the other in such a short space of time. He spends most of his time outside.
Spencer is tucked up in her cubby house since 12pm, so she avoided the bath.

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