Last night Hat was singing outside at 10.30pm to be let in. He went to his basket and fell asleep promptly. Later I heard cat crunching biscuits outside, I think it was BH2. When I woke up this morning, all the biscuits were gone.
No sign of Auntycat today.
Hat was having breakfast, and Spencer was glaring at him from above the kitchen counter. Hat was terrorised and ran out quickly. BH2 rolled on the floor again, exposing his tummy and rubbing his face. His left eye is full of discharge today.

Hello Cat_Aunty, just to let you know I totally enjoy your blog. Very interesting to read about what you do for your cats. I am a newbie in caregiving for the cats in my estate. Cheers.
Dear Celeste, seems like you have your hands full too! Compared to what others from CWS are doing, I am but just a small player. Thank you for your encouragement. All the best.
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