People had been wonderful about Max's impending "total shave". They had expressed shock, suggested alternative treatments, consoled me and given me tonnes of advice. But I guess nothing will prepare me for the end result.
Max is technically not my cat, but it pains me that he will be going through his ordeal. I think he himself will feel terrible about it too, not to say the reactions from the other cats.
I think the best way is to be supportive of Max. Cats can sense our emotions. If we feel upset when we see Max, he will feel lousy, and think it was something he has done. We have to praise him, and boost his self esteem. The least we can do is not to have any reaction, especially in front of the other cats, so they will accept Max in good time.
Now we are looking for little doggy clothes to keep him warm.

The same thing happened to my persian cross Alex when he was first rescued from the street. His tail is oil & has black spots & he was infested with fleas.
But I didnt shave all his hair off. Only the strip off his tail (where the spots are). For his body, the groomer cut his hair very short but not bald. Now, his hair is growin out beautifully.
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