We finally managed to get a groomer who can shave Max for $25 in two hours. The others all asked for $100, more if Max is violent. Tuesday 7pm is D-Day for Max. It tears my heart too, but it is for his own good. The groomer had warned that the end result will be ugly, and will take time to get used to.
Spencer vomitted again this morning. I managed to push her out of my bed before she threw up. After that she came back to bed. She hasn't been doing that for ages now.
Hat was calling outside at 6am, but I didn't wake up. Spencer did go and sit by the door. She was wearing a new bell which jangles. Maybe Hat thought it was Max, so he left. Spencer called for breakfast at 7am.
Spencer was walking in and out the door, and looking intently outside. I looked out too, just in case it was Mera visiting. Then I saw the cleaner pinching and hitting Hat, who was sitting on the bench. Hat wanted to escape but was pinned down. Then the cleaner stuck a sticker on Hat's ear, and pulled his tail. I was so mad I shouted at him from the corridor. He released Hat immediately, Hat ran away, and the sadistic bastard walked away quickly without looking at me. Maybe Hat was calling for help, and Spencer alerted me. Hat is at home now, still a bit stressed.
Mera was at the garden. He was hiding in the bush, but came out when she heard me, as he was starving.

OMG!!!! That infuriates me that some butt wipe is being mean to Hat. If I didn't live half way around the world I would come there & kick his ass. Poor Hat.
We used to have a long haired cat that refused to groom himself. (personally I think he was mentally challenged) But we would have to take him to be shaved at least once a year & at first he was embarrassed by looking so pitiful. After a little while & lots & lots of compliments about how cute he was shaved, he went back to his old self. He also had to be sedated because there is not a cat alive that likes to be groomed by anyone other than themselves. They're funny that way.
I hope Spencer & Hat don't tease him about it though.
Poor Max.
Dear lithium princess, thank you for your advice. I was at wits ends. I am afraid when I see Max, I will lose it.
Aww I know but just think how much better he will feel & maybe not so itchy. I always had a hard time not laughing which really upsets a cat. Just tell him how beautiful he is & his hair will be beautiful when it grows out. Please show us how he looks. I promise not to say he looks silly.
Poor Max.
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