Stupid kids at the playground making noises at 3am, morons. I went to the other room to sleep with Spencer. She grunted. I moved back to my room at 7am, and Spencer was still sleeping. She grunted again.
Hat was calling to be let in, at 7.30am. He must have been calling for 10 minutes before I woke up. I thought it was Spencer. Well, it is his usual feeding time. I crawled out to unlock the door, but Spencer was blocking the way, staring at Hat. I just let them be, and went back to bed. Hat managed to come in, and was fed breakfast.
After feeding BH2 and Auntycat, I took Hat upstairs. He seems to be afraid of Spencer now. I guess Max the common enemy has gone, and the two cats are at war again.
Spencer is a bit edgy, Hat went to sleep in the store room after biscuits and resting on the fridge.

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