Went to Smokey's after work. He was friendlier today, coming out from behind the TV, Missy hiding in the cupboard, and retreated to under the sofa when she saw me. Smokey smelled my bag, and rubbed his face on it. He ate a bit of cat food. I noticed that they went through lots of biscuits and water, and the litter bin could attest to that. I stroke Missy, and she relaxed tremendously. Smokey went back to behind the TV, and came out again as I took out my camera. He was very curious. I left a light on for them. I think they played during the day, because the rugs were always crumpled and in a mess. And stuffs spilled from cabinets.
Saw that black and white cat again when I was carrying Hat upstairs. Auntycat was wary of her. I went down to feed her, and saw that she was sitting side by side with BH2. Strange. I went up again for another packet of food, and she followed me upstairs, meowing excitedly. So obviously she knew I was the caterer? Under the bright light, I saw that she is actually a he, small balls, and his ear clipped. When I returned, he was waiting at the garden. I led him to a corner, so he could eat in peace. In the mean time, BH2 was rolling on the floor and rubbing against my leg, asking for more food. I stroke his head and neck very cautiously. I think he has some kind of skin infection and inside his mouth.
Kiki was looking from his window.
Spncer was still in bed when I returned. Hat was hungry, and chose to sleep in tonight on the wardrobe. Weather had been miserable, so maybe he is sick of being cold and wet. Max will be back again tomorrow, so I do not know how Hat will react. Maybe he will feel betrayed.

Gosh it sounds like you have your hands full. What does it mean when their ears are clipped like that? It's nice that your cats are able to go outside, I live on a very busy street so mine would get hurt I'm sure.
Take care!
Strays who had been sterilised had their ears clipped, so they are not as likely to be capture during culling exercises. Hat had his ear clipped too, just that now he has been promoted to a semi-house cat
Oh I see... We have something here kind of like that but there's no way of identifying who has been fixed or not. And it's only with feral male cats. We have special cages to capture them & then take them to the vet to be sterilized & then we let them back out. It doesn't really make that much of a difference I don't think. So I try to educate people to always have their pets spayed or neutered as we have a facility that does it for not too much money or if you can't afford to they will do it for free. But some people are just stupid I guess. That's how I ended up with so many cats because I would find strays & tell myself that I was going to find them a home but then I fell in love with them & couldn't give them up. Oh well.
But it's very interesting reading your blog, it's my favorite one. Ha ha
Thank you for your comments and encouragement. Very motivating.
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