Hat sang at 11pm to be let in when I was already in bed. Spencer wanted to beat him again, but I stopped her. She had a violent episode of IPPT under the bed, then she went to sleep at the other room. I checked on them before I went to bed. Hat had fallen asleep, but Spencer still stared at me with saucer eyes, so I brought her back to my room. She started to snore in no time. Iwoke up a few times during the night, she was still on the bed.
Hat sang again at 5.30am. I let him in but I didn't give him any food, don't want him to have this bad habit. I thought 7am breakfast call is the earliest possible, without me whacking their heads. On account of that, I woke up late again, as Spencer didn't make a peep to wake me. Except she finished all her biscuits from last night.

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