Bad news....someone stole Hat's collar and name tag!!! Curse! Curse! Curse!
I woke up late today and didn't see Hat until 9am. Actually I sleep walked out of bed at 7.30am to open a can for Spencer, then I crashed back to bed. I sort of heard Hat singing outside, and sister opened the door for him. When I went downstairs to look for Hat, I realised his collar was gone. I was so cheesed off! I have spare collars in the house, but the name tag was engraved with his name and phone numbers. Which despicable moron will want to steal from a harmless, defenceless skinny cat!??? Curse! Curse! Curse!
During SARS, someone also stole the collars from ALL the cats I was feeding. For what purpose, I do not know. At that time, I was buying collars and plastic tags in bulk.

This is weird ... why would anyone want an engraved name tag?
maybe that person is a karang-guni man leh, just want to collect metal to exchange for cash. mwah ha ha.
Hey! Pixie's collar went missing yesterday too. This is the 3rd time already. I just got a new collar for her this evening. Strange hor?
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