Hat was recuperating in the store room, woozy from the injection. I brought him to the vet for his ear discharge. He was quiet throughout, not screaming his head off in the taxi. While we were waiting at the void deck, BH2 and Mera approached, to stare at him through the grilles.
We met Shadow at the vet. He was waiting for the clinic to open too, and went behind the reception counter to have his afternoon snacks. After that, they led him to another consultation room, most likely for a nap.
The vet said Hat has lots of discharges and pus in his small ear, a very bad ear infection. Not ear mites, but still very serious. The vet used cotton buds to clean out the ear. He was surprised to hear that Hat didn't scratch or shake his head much, so maybe Hat has been bearing the discomfort in silence. The cause is most likely moisture, from a bath or saliva from another cat when they lick each other. Of course I know that is unlikely, so the water must have got in during one of Hat's baths. Oh dear. The vet told me it is pretty much the same problem as what Max has.
The vet gave Hat an anti-inflammatory injection, and also commented that his two fangs have broken off. They may cause gum problems later, as bacteria goes in through the dentine, and I am to look out of reddening of the gums and the teeth turning grey in the near future. If it happens, Hat need to have his fangs extracted! Actually his lower front teeth are also problematic, but the roots being short, the teeth will fall off gradually, without much effects.
Hat kept quiet and docile throughout, and the vet said he is a good boy. I told him none of the cats like Hat. He said sometimes cats are like that, they detest for a personal reason. It just happens that Hat is a misfit in the hierachy. The vet also asked if Spencer has recovered completely from her urine problem. I told him Spencer is much better lately, we are trying to make her lose weight, and restrict her to 50g of biscuits a day. He found it very funny. I told him Max is doing very well too.
Rilexine ( liver flavored cephalexin ) 75mg tablets
Surolan ( Miconazole nitrate 23mg, prednisolone acetate 5mg, polymyxin B sulphate 5500 iu, per 1ml ) ear ointment
MPN ear cleaning solution
Total bill: $65
I locked Hat in the store room so he could rest. When he woke up, I gave him the tablet, and tried to clean his ear. He was all teeth and claws. Sigh. If this persists, we will have to go back in one week's time.

So many problems for poor Hat to contend with. Good for you cat_aunty to do all this. I was at the cat Welfare Society adoption site and saw all the cats. I wish I have a home for more but maybe after the cats all get to know each other more. Toro has a vet appt this saturday for his 2nd vaccination. He has no more ear mites thank god. Now I think I have to check all their teeth now.
What a good boy Hat is, but he always has been. He acts up with you but knows he has to behave at the vet. Silly boy.
I think most kitties behave at the vet, because they are confused. Their mummy talking to this strange person, and they are not sure if this person is friend or foe.
Hat has been a little demon at home, snarling at the sight of cotton buds. Sigh.
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