Spencer screamed at 6am, because she had finished her biscuits. I had to crawl out of bed to get the biscuit tin. Spencer 1 humans 0.
After that even though she had eaten her wet food, she still came to wake me at 8am. I think she is feeling insecure now.
Hat came at 8.30am, just sitting by the door, not daring to come in. Spencer and him were watching each other warily. I think they quarreled again. Or maybe it is due to the ear mites.
Hat looks ill, the ear is still flattened, but the gunks do not seem to have increased in quantity since yesterday. And his cheek is puffy. I am not sure if it is swollen, or he is just chubby.

wow your cat looks like mine except mine is all black. :)
Dear bokchoy76, I think she is insecure about the dwindling food source.
Welcome, shy ritz.
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