Spencer looking for Sister S.
She didn't wake me up today. For certain reason, she knew it is public holiday. I didn't sleep until 2am last night, because I was upset about something at work, but that is another story. At 8.30am, Max started to purr when he saw that I had moved, Spencer was snoozing on the curtain draped on my cabinet. Hat turned up at 9am to inquire about breakfast, and ran for his life when Max appeared at the door.
Hat was fed at the garden, and the calico ambushed BH2 again, forcing him to relinquish his breakfast. She is limping, I am not sure how her front leg got injured. Poor girl. Hat was eating his breakfast leisurely, and hungry BH2 tried to cut in. He was ignored, until Hat had his fill, then I topped up more food for BH2. This BH2 looks fierce only, quite a coward underneath all that lard.
I was still upset, so I decided to go for cycling. Max was waiting foe me expectantly to hand-feed him. Since he had eaten his breakfast, I told him I would feed him when I come back. So I went for a spin, and felt better. It was rather warm. I cycled a bit further today, still OK on the pavements, except with pedestrians around I do get wobbly.

She looks really intensely curious as though as she expects Sister S to appear at any time :)
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