When I reached home, I saw Mera sitting on the wet grass. I told him Max had gone home. Then Hat and Auntycat appeared too.
When I came down with food again, Auntycat was screaming her head off, as usual. And BH2 came. Then I saw this young guy, probably nuts, chanting some songs. He asked Auntycat in mandarin if she is hungry. Then he saw me feeding the cats. I gave Auntycat's food to BH2, and Mera's biscuits to Auntycat. I took the treats and gave to Mera. When that guy saw Mera, he called him a 富贵猫。He asked me if Mera belongs to me. I told him Mera has an owner. He asked then why I feed Mera. I told him Mera and I know each other. He said amitabha, and said something about good deeds and karmas. Then he said Mera must have sinned in his past life, hence he is a cat now. Mera and I were grumbling kanasai under our breaths!! Then the guy said maybe Mera hadn't sinned too much afterall, because he is a good looking cat. Hmph!
Luckily, Mera's dad roared in on his bike, and I took Mera to him, so Mera could go home, instead of being harrassed by buddhist nuts.

My cat is named Mario. I'll post a picture of him on my blogger.
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I thought we have been through this before. All the cats under your cat must have done something naughty in their past lives but not naughty enough. Thats why they are cats but they are well fed, fended by humans, with medical care and stuff. Forgive that fellar lah, maybe he has just been through too much election rallies, and decided that 真理在佛经,万物皆有灵。
Being turned into a cat for my sins would be quite an okay idea. Better than being turned into a cockroach or a fly or a mosquito or a politian or err...many many other things lah.
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