Saturday, June 10, 2006

I went cycling and 40 minutes later, I found this in my room. Looks like some cats had pulled out one sock from my drawer, and was half way through with another pair of pants. Posted by Picasa


At 6:22 pm, Blogger =^..^= said...

Maybe they were looking for something kinky and incriminating? Could be useful as blackmail for bigger meals!

~5-Cat Style

At 10:54 pm, Blogger Vegie said...

Oh got thieves in the house ! Call the police !

At 9:18 pm, Blogger cat_aunty said...

cat burglar...literally

At 7:48 pm, Blogger cat_aunty said...

Dear 5CS, hur hur hur. I don't think so. Maybe they think I am hiding another cat somewhere.


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