Tuesday, June 20, 2006

It was overcast, so I was wondering if I should go cycling. When I was sweeping the floor, Spencer became berserk, and ambushed my broom. When she scampered away, the cord of the steam iron somehow looped around her neck, and she dragged the iron to the floor, with a loud PIANG!!! Spencer took fright, and ran for a few feet, dragging the iron with her.

I checked the iron, and cleaned up the mess. Spencer was hiding under my bed, and wouldn't come out until I told her it is OK. She was subdued and apologetic afterwards.

And I noticed she doesn't like the noise of the fumigator. She would get alarmed, and growl in a threathening manner. I think she might have been spooked before.

It rained again at 12 noon. Hat came back into the house to sleep. Posted by Picasa


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