Spencer: " Are you looking at me, punk?"
I woke up at 6am, and Spencer got very excited. So I prepared her breakfast, and took in the morning papers. The papers hadn't arrived, but Mera was eating biscuits outside. He came into the house to investigate. His left eye looked a bit funny. I went back to bed at 6.45am.
I woke up again at 10.30am. Spencer was sleeping on the cabinet, Mera on the floormat next to my bed. I thought he had left earlier. It was chilly, so maybe he wanted to rest.
Hat came for breakfast at 11.30am, and just then, Mera woke up. Hat hid in the kitchen, and Mera stretched and yawned. I gave Mera some fish, and he ate daintily. His left eye is definitely looking smaller.
Mera finished his post-food grooming, and left happily.

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