Mera finally came into the house yesterday. He came at 7pm to ask for snacks, then he strolled into the house. He was very interested in the newly-arranged furnitures, and hid behind the sofa. Hat heard him coming, and went into hiding.
I gave Mera some catnip, and he got so excited, he chased Spencer all around the sofa.
Spencer wasn't impressed, and went into hiding too. Mera continued to run around the sofa chasing after the fishing rod toy, and ambushing me.
Then he ran into the other room, expecting to find Spencer.
Spencer was under the bed alright, with Hat.
Mera crept under the bed also.
And it was a three way face off for about 30 minutes.
Suddenly there was a blood curdling yell, and Mera came out. I rushed in to check on Hat, and was surprised to see both Spencer and him sitting there, as if nothing had happened.
Mera had another snack, and went off happily.
Hat left also after a short while.
Spencer collapsed into her bed and fell asleep.

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