Tuesday, October 03, 2006

I fed Spencer 10ml of barley water last night, with syringe. She didn't like the idea, of course. But the barley water must be quite pleasant, because she seemed to be forming her thoughts about it after the feed, and was quite relaxed.

The vet said cats must drink 330ml of water per day.

Spencer refused to let me study, so we played for 30 minutes. She sat inside her tent and I tapped the plastic from outside.

She had a good time. I had a bloody finger. Posted by Picasa


At 11:41 am, Blogger san said...

Spencer is looking alert and well rested for the morning's activities. I wonder if the amigos would like barley water, just for a change :)

At 9:46 pm, Blogger JJ said...

Why was your finger bloody? Did u attend to the wound properly?



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