Thursday, December 28, 2006

I was playing with Spencer, by waving a Hello Kitty cut-out. She got so excited, she chewed the bed frame.

Still raining.

Hat woke at 7.30pm and asked for dinner. That means 3 meals today, 3 times more than normal. Usually he would appear for breakfast, of course I won't see him during the day, and he doesn't show at night, unless the weather is really really bad.

I just realised, I still have not unwrap my Christmas presents! Posted by Picasa


At 9:54 pm, Blogger san said...

HUH! Not unwrapped the presents!!! Whah you must be really tired and out of it cat_aunty. Can't take leave issit?

At 11:48 pm, Blogger Big Piney Woods Cats said...

We need to have a serious talk. Forgetting something like not opening presents is cause for concern.


At 9:28 pm, Blogger cat_aunty said...

Dear San and Miss Patches, ya loh, over worked, too tired....and with a flu too! Luckily I will get three day off starting Sunday, then hopefully I will feel better.

At 1:42 pm, Blogger Vegie said...

May be Spencer needs glasses leow !


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