Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Thank God it has finally stopped raining!!

All the cats had big breakfast this morning, except I couldn't find Mera. Yb was so hungry he was hanging around the power station, and didn't notice that BH2 was glaring at him. I noticed that Tabby kitten is always the last one who eats. Don't think he is calico's favorite.

After breakfast, Yb licked his toes and showed his tummy to the whole block. Bh2 slept near the gazebo, Auntycat had vanished. I was carrying Hat and was careless enough to place him in front of calico. Whoa! Calico gave him a good beating! Fur flied everywhere, and Hat got a big scratch on his nose. Again. He was terribly miffed. I brought him up and gave him another plate of breakfast.

Later I saw calico teaching the kittens how to play with a dead bird. Posted by Picasa


At 10:18 pm, Blogger san said...

I hope the calico is teaching them to hunt also other than play :))


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