Woke up at 5am to pee, and found Max sleeping on the computer table, and Spencer at the other room. Spencer used the bin, so I cleaned up for her. They both thought it was breakfast time. There were thunders at that time.
I read a bit and went back to sleep again. When I woke up, it was 9am, and it was raining heavily. Max was purring beside me, and kept peering into my face to check if I was awake. Spencer was sitting in front of the kitchen.
The rain became very heavy when I went down, and I saw Yb sprinting back to his block, so I missed feeding him. And the kittens too.
I gave BH2 and calico their breakfasts. BH2 didn't like to eat at the corner when there was rain splattering. Sheesh. I tried to look for Mera, but couldn't see him. Hat was nodding off in the gazebo, so I gave him his breakfast. He ate a lot.
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