Hat was waiting for me downstairs when I reached home. I called him, he pretended to groom and ponder.
I went upstairs, and Sister S's friend J was at home. She told me a fat white cat had been here, but left. She asked if FatWhite was afraid of her.
Then Hat came up, and waited on the balcony, because of stranger in the house. I carried him in, and showed J. J asked how come all my cats are fat. I was quite surprised, because Hat is not quite as fat as Kiki, or Spencer. Hat ate his dinner heartily on the water table. Then he went downstairs to groom.
Spencer was stuck behind the bed, and I let her out. She didn't realise J was in the house, and was petted as a result.
Then Mera came just when I was leaving the house to get dinner. I pushed him into the house with fish and biscuits. When I came back, he had finished his dinner, and wanted to leave. I was having my dinner, and suddenly he meowed very loudly. I rushed out to see, and realised that he wanted more biscuits. Spencer was blocking the gate at that time, so Mera asked for help. He ate lots of biscuits, and left happily.
I noticed that his name tag is broken and splintered. Sister S told me she saw Mera biting at it all the time. Sigh. I guess I have to replace a smaller name disc for him.
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