The eye discharge is less, after he has been shaved.
But he is still drooling.
He doesn't make much noise when he is with us.
His latest morning trick:
knead with his front paws on quilt
shove my glasses off my face using his muzzle
rub my eyes with his muzzle *eeek*
rub my pillow with his muzzle*EEEK x 10!!!*
All these while Spencer was sleeping next to me in her sleep box.
Sister S said he tried to vomit on her bed at dawn. When she pushed him off, he vomitted on the floor.
And he kept following her for breakfast.
After she ignored him, he came to wake me up.
And he pee-ed 3 times and poo-ed twice last night. I guess it was because he had eaten Spencer's biscuits.
He was smacked after the vomitting, and Sister S almost wanted to pin him onto the wall so he couldn't get into anymore mischiefs.
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