We didn't leave too much biscuits out for Spencer last night, for fear of vomitting. She spent the whole night licking the empty bowl, her frog bell hitting against the metal bowl and it went CLANG CLANG CLANG all night long.
I dreamt that the cats were playing downstairs and there were four lions hanging about at the garden. I had to save all the cats, so stressed out.
As a result, I didn't get a good night sleep, and I had to get up at 7am today.
The cats came out when I rang the keys for early breakfast. Mera chose not to come into the house, maybe he didn't want to bump into Kiki. Actually Kiki was downstairs looking at BH2 eating at the power station. Kiki came up with Hat later, and when Mera walked past him, he adopted a humble appearance. BH2 was waiting at the gate, as the council was pruning the bush. He didn't want to eat initially, when I pushed the food through the gate so he could eat in peace, he nipped my knee. I think he will allow us to touch him soon.
Kiki and Hat stayed in the house after breakfast, I thought they would get bored as I had to leave, so I wrapped towels around the stools to make Red Indians tents and set out some toys for them. Only Kiki was excited, as Hat was grooming himself on the 4 boxes left over from last night. He looked surprised that I left the house so early.
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