Mera standing against the new orange door and white grilles. He wasn't fazed by the new look.
The painters came at 9am. Spencer had been screaming since 7am, and immediately stopped when the workers appeared. She hid under the bed, but as they were making very little noises, she was curious enough to stay with me. One worker walked past, Spencer got a shock, her eyes as big as saucers, and she scampered away. She managed to pee once.
Hat came twice during the day to check the progress, and left soon afterwards.
The painters started to pack up at 3pm, and Spencer appeared again, but hiding behind the bed as a precaution. The workers trotted off after a good job, and Spencer started to jabber and chatter, being jumpy and demanding.
Hat came, and decided it was safe enough to nap. Mera came and inspected the new color scheme. Spencer finally collapsed at 5pm. She has been talking too much! Luckily the painters were a quiet lot, so she wasn't in distress at all.

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